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Original Creation

Blue Ridge Sunrise

Wayne Coley Art 31 Jul 2024

Living in Southeast Tennessee my wife and I love to travel not only the Smoky Mountains but also the beautiful mountains in Blue Ridge Georgia.. The most scenic areas to be found anywhere can be found on the famous Blue Ridge Parkway.
Using Bob Ross techniques I painted the distant mountains and the Sap Green large mountain range with touches of Paynes Gray and Pthalo Blue. I allowed this to completely dry. After applying a thin layer of Liquid White I experimented with Pthalo, Prussian, Indian Yellow and Alizaron Crimson. I love the combination of a touch of Alizarin and Indian Yellow.
I swiped some of the colors from the sky over the mountain for a glowing effect.
I added the middle ground then painted the rocks with variations of Floral Pink and Floral Magenta flowers.
I hope you like it!



This is looking great!
The colours, the way you managed to get the sunlight in, the distance.
Very good. <3

How large is this painting?

Wayne Coley Art Bob Ross Certified Instructor

Thank you. The painting is 36" x 30"

Pretty big one.
I'm not surprsied though, with all those details in the foreground. <3


scary good

Oh my goodness that’s amazing!


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